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Angelite Crystal Round Beads Necklace 15 Inches 8mm Beads Semi precious Mala
Angelite Crystal Round Beads Necklace 15 Inches 8mm Beads Semi precious Mala
Angelite Crystal Round Beads Necklace 15 Inches 8mm Beads Semi precious Mala
Angelite Crystal Round Beads Necklace 15 Inches 8mm Beads Semi precious Mala
Angelite Crystal Round Beads Necklace 15 Inches 8mm Beads Semi precious Mala

Angelite Crystal Round Beads Necklace 15 Inches 8mm Beads Semi precious Mala

Regular price Rs. 1,500.00 Rs. 799.00 Save Rs. 701.00

Angelite Crystal Round Beads Necklace 15 Inches 8mm Beads Semi precious Mala

Angelite 8 mm beaded necklace is a piece of jewelry made from beads of Angelite gemstone, with each bead measuring approximately 8 millimeters in diameter

Angelite is a type of mineral known as a variety of blue Anhydrite. It is characterized by its pale blue or blue-gray color, often resembling the color of the sky.

The necklace is typically crafted by stringing together multiple 8 mm Angelite beads using a durable thread or wire. It may include a clasp or closure mechanism to securely fasten the necklace around the wearer's neck

Angelite is associated with a calming and soothing energy.

It is often used in spiritual and metaphysical practices to enhance communication with angels and spirit guides, promote peacefulness, and encourage compassion and understanding. Many people wear Angelite jewelry to foster a sense of tranquility, serenity, and connection to the divine.

The length of the necklace can vary based on personal preference and style. Common necklace lengths include choker length (14-16 inches), princess length (18 inches), and matinee length (20-24 inches). The 8 mm beaded Angelite necklace can be designed in any of these lengths or customized to meet the wearer's desired length.

As Angelite is a natural stone, each bead may display variations in color, pattern, and texture, adding to the uniqueness and beauty of the necklace.

Calming and Soothing: Angelite is known for its calming energy, promoting peace and tranquility. It is often used to alleviate stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm. It can help create a sense of inner harmony and emotional balance.

Communication and Expression: Angelite is associated with enhancing communication and self-expression. It is believed to facilitate clear and open communication, both in verbal and non-verbal forms. It is often used to improve communication with angels, spirit guides, and higher realms

Angelic Connection: As the name suggests, Angelite is believed to foster a connection with the angelic realm.

 It is thought to aid in communication with angels, spirit guides, and guardian angels. It can assist in receiving guidance, support, and protection from these celestial beings.

Spiritual Growth: Angelite is often used in spiritual practices to enhance spiritual awareness and growth.

It can help in accessing higher states of consciousness, deepening meditation experiences, and connecting with divine wisdom. It is believed to assist in aligning the physical and spiritual bodies

Life is too short to live without the Angelite Crystal Round Beads Necklace 15 Inches 8mm Beads Semi precious Mala. Be happy. Be Content. Be Satisfied.

Inventory Last Updated: Jun 02, 2024

Estimated delivery time 3-5 days