Hands Free Contact less Door Opener Tool Protection Key from Virus Touch Less Operating of ATM/Lift/Doors/Public Places (Pack of 3)
Features :
Touch key Easily fits into your pocket, hence can carry anywhere & Keyhole also provided in order to carry.
• The hand free door opener’s ergonomic key-like design means that it’s easy to press buttons, to open doors, in lever-type handles, and to carry plastic shopping bags as well.
• Our Safety Key is made with High Quality Plastic Material.
• Our No touch Key is ideal for No Touch Contactless application to Pull doors, press pin pads, open and close bathroom stalls, push shopping carts, turn on light switches, carry groceries, operating LIFT / DOORS / WATER COOLERS / VENDING MACHINES at public places etc.
This is the solution for door handles of public toilets and buildings, here are many bacteria and viruses. Can open car doors, locks and public water faucets and also operate ATMs and POS machines. Strong body with ergonomic design that fits in your hand easily. Sanitiser friendly product. Can be cleaned using an alcohol-based sanitiser that follows WHO guidelines. Can be hung on a keychain or a retractable carabiner for easy and quick access. The touch points are far enough from the handle that viruses will not be transferred. Single body design that can apply enough pressure to push & pull doors. With this door opener, which you can carry in your pocket.
Estimated delivery time 3-5 days