Golden Dragon for More Strength Good Health and Happiness, Wealth, Power Feng Shui
- As Feng Shui is used or Believed around the whole World now a Days, The dragon represent new beginnings and strength.
- The dragon is a classical feng shui cure for keeping (or attracting) the energy of harmonious communication in a marriage. So,
- according to the feng shui this is a good suggestion for couple.
- The Dragon & Phoenix couple the only feng shui cure for love and marriage,
- let's first look into the meaning and the energy brought into your home by the dragon & phoenix couple.
- The energy of the dragon is considered very powerful in traditional feng shui,
- and almost all classical feng shui applications (especially office and business feng shui) involve decorating with the dragon symbol.
- The symbol of the phoenix, on the other hand, seems to evoke the same energy across a multitude of cultures,
- with always the same meaning - the power of rebirth and deep transformation.
- The Celestial Dragon is the most powerful of Good Fortune.
- Place in the "East" of your living room for excellent overall luck.
- If Business is not doing well or Finances feel squeezed, its time to place a "Dragon".
- Especially for Stockbroker's, Real Estate Agents, Builders, Peoples in Construction Works and Brokers.
Every product is unique, just like you. If you're looking for a product that fits the mold of your life, the Golden Dragon for Strength, Good Health, Happiness, Wealth, Power Feng Shui is for you.
Inventory Last Updated: Jan 15, 2025